Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A Viral Ad Land Product Review

Viral Ad Land is a site that has been around since 2010. It guarantees you more CONVERTING web traffic an internet-based advertising with a small amount of effort or cost.  So I made the choice of putting it to the test...

My first impression was the website looks impressive and well designed, while still maintaining an eye-catching look and feel.  It is not to read or understand.  Joining the website was straightforward and painless--they do provide 2 upgrade options however they are not necessary to gain the actual benefits.
Viral Ad Land BannerThe Members Areas amazingly well organized and user-friendly--I was able to figure out what to do after only a couple of minutes and managed to set up and running within just 5 minutes.  Inside the web site, you create url links and ads--the links you need to enter any URL link you want into the generator and then it transforms them into "Viral Ad Land" links.  You create ads for anything you like to promote when using the Viral Ad Land Ad Generator, which is actually super easy to use.  You can easily create countless links and also as many ads as you desire.  And they are really organized in a very logical way--links are displayed in the order you build them plus also your 5 latest links display on the main page for quick and easy reference.  Also, because the link generator will be the tool you will use the most, it is also right at the top of the main page any time you login.  Very sensible!

Once you have created at least 1 link and 1 ad you can begin to get website traffic.  Simply use and promote your newest Viral Ad Land link as opposed to the original source link you have.  Every time the Viral Ad Land link is clicked, the page loads in addition to a cool slide-up ad window at the bottom.  It displays an advertisement along with an image with your affiliate link that goes back to Viral Ad Land.  So if someone clicks the Viral Ad Land image they view the site, and whenever they sign up they become your referral.  It's an awesome viral feature since you can build referrals without even attempting to by merely utilizing the site.

Now whenever the ad window displays (your Viral Ad Land links get clicked) you get credits that will get YOUR ad displayed inside the ad windows when other members' links get clicked.  So the greater number of clicks, the greater number of times your ads get displayed.

And all this works virally--meaning whenever you make referrals into Viral Ad Land (either by promoting it or just using it and visitors click the Viral Ad Land image on the ad window to join) you additionally earn ad credits on his or her link clicks.  And this works up to 5 levels deep.  So you could make a sizable amount of free ad views and website traffic by recommending others to Viral Ad Land also.

I was unable to test the full effect of a large down line yet I just started to us the tool, but I can inform you the rest of the site works just as stated--my links got clicked, I earned credits, and my ads got displayed.  Viral Ad Land even tracked my results so I realize how many clicks and exactly how many ad displays.  That was an amazing unadvertised bonus feature.

There does exist an additional bonus and function that will will take place to be the finest of them all--down line emailing.  You can email your down line with offers, promotions, or anything you like, here is where Viral Ad Land really shines.  They invested some time to make the emailing often enough that it is valuable being a user, but not so frequently that it is burden towards your down line.  But the best part about this feature (as well as the credit earning too) is that it tells you exactly how long until you can mail again.  Now is that not cool or what.

All in all, I personally will have to express I am very excited about Viral Ad Land.  It is easy yet effective, and backs up what it claims and that is TRAFFIC. I Strongly suggested Viral Ad Land  to help anyone that needs to boost web page visitors and FREE advertising.

Discover the truth and join here:

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Learn While You Earn With Worldprofit

Worldprofit gives subscribers the resources and training they need to excel and profit online. Its web hosting, design templates, traffic building, marketing tools and live training courses have aided over a million entrepreneurs into the ranks of successful business owners around the world. These tools afford its members the luxury of lucratively promoting their online business, products and/or services.

Are you new to online marketing? Are you struggling to build your online business? Worldprofit can help.

For over 18 years, savvy online business owners have profited from Worldprofit's software tools and support. Not only is it a membership-based program, it teaches you how to start and run a successful online business from the comfort of your home.

Worldprofit gives subscribers the resources and training they need to excel and profit online. Its web hosting, design templates, traffic building, marketing tools and live training courses have aided over a million entrepreneurs into the ranks of successful business owners around the world.

After nearly two decades, Worldprofit continues to welcome new partnerships and develop complimentary sites and services for its members. The company has an established reputation as a leader in the industry, giving it the leverage it needs to make offers, buy advertising and traffic and make exchanges. These tools afford its members the luxury of lucratively promoting their online business, products and/or services.

The first step in building your web-based business is promoting it. Since online marketing is relatively new to the main stream, most people aren't sure where to begin. You may be able to relate to this quandary. What products or services do you want to promote? Where do you want to promote them? How will you interpret the results of your marketing efforts?

Worldprofit's online training program, Home Business Bootcamp, has lesson plans to benefit any type of online business. A total of 75 lessons are available to give members the tools they need to succeed at their own pace, learning while they are earning.

No matter what you are promoting - product or service - Worldprofit's model is consistent. It educates members on how to accomplish successful marketing promotions applicable to the construction and maintenance of any online business.

This world leader in the innovation of marketing the online marketplace supplies its members with a variety of valuable training courses and self-developed strategies, such as online training, marketing principles, landing pages, lead capture, list building strategies, blogging, article marketing, E-book creation, social networking, promotion and advertising prospect management, web stats, newsletters, ad tracking, free vs. paid advertising, how to recognize bad advertising sources, SEO techniques, and how to recognize legitimate advertising sources.

Online business opportunities are booming right now. We suggest you find your niche. Worldprofit has seen its sales grow 10-fold since it first began, and so can you. The company has surpassed 1.5 million free members and it anticipates another half million to join this year.

Everyone loves the idea of working from home, and Worldprofit can help you do it. It offers a reseller program, but as more people find that affiliate marketing is a great way to earn extra income, it has evolved into a training company over the last decade.

Worldprofit prides itself on its research and development, which gives it the leverage it needs to help build its members' customer base and bottom line. As technology rapidly advances, there is no time for you to stand still. Worldprofit will keep your energy up, as it equips you with valuable information that will help your business stay in the forefront of the online marketplace.

 Shelton Parker is the Owner of Check us out anytime for marketing tips and a free subscription to our cutting edge newsletter.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Leading Your Team To Success: Top Tips

How do you view leadership, and what do you think are the greatest qualities of a leader? It is always important to gain a better perspective as to how you can better lead those around you. Keep reading so that you can find out some helpful strategies that can make you a more effective leader.

When working to improve in the area of leadership, it is vital that you develop competency. People need to trust that you know what you are doing in order to feel confident in your leadership ability. Instill confidence in those who follow you by finding a mentor to help you become truly proficient in what you do.

Make sure to engage people as a leader. You must learn how to motivate, involve, and excite others. Inspire them to engage their passions, strengths, skills, and creativity in the tasks at hand. Do what you can to acknowledge and appreciate each person's contributions and efforts. You should make them all feel like they did something to move the project forward.

When it comes to money, take the long view, if possible. Everyone wants to show quarterly profits, but if you increase short-term earnings by cutting corners on staffing and materials that they need to get their work done, you and your company will ultimately end up being penny wise and pound foolish.

Good leaders know how to nurture growth in other people. Take the time to support other people. You can do this by learning their strengths, work styles, and passions. Try encouraging them to seek new possibilities and challenges. Remember that every person has the ability to expand the potential of the company.

Falling short as a leader is never a desired place to be. You want to do your best, and you want to realize what is required of you in order to lead. This article has given you great tips regarding true leadership abilities. Prepare to use them in the real world now as you learn what leading people is all about.

Shelton Parker is the Owner of Check us out anytime for marketing tips and a free subscription to our cutting edge newsletter. Check out The Complete Guide To Making Money Online Free -->

Friday, May 24, 2013

Secrets Of A Successful Blog

Do you know the characteristics of successful blogs? Successful blogs that make a lot of money have a lot of readers so if you want to have success with your blog, focus on getting lots of readers. There are many ways to go about getting readers, but you should know that only about a handful of them work to get you the readers that you desire.                              

If you didn't already know, you need a blog so that you can propel your business to the next level. I think it's plain to see that having a blog can do a lot for your business growth. In the internet marketing world, there's an old saying that says "the money is in the list", so if you want to earn money with your blog, focus on building a list.

Popular blogs have a readership level in the thousands. It could take some time to build this up from scratch or you can pay for advertising and set up a capture page to get users to subscribe to your blog. I personally feel that the first option of building a list from scratch is better. With this you are using free advertising. For one these people know you and like you and have grown to listen to your advice. If you think that you can't build a successful blog from scratch, then think again.

Internet marketing in general is hard, and building a successful blog is even harder. Popular blogs get a lot of traffic on a daily basis but you shouldn't let this discourage you if you're not getting a lot of traffic yet. You want to build successful blogs so that you can be perceived as an obvious expert in your niche. With credibility behind you, it will be easier for you to sell your products and services.

It doesn't matter what you use to monetize your blog - you need a lot of subscribers to make it successful. If you have Google AdSense on your blog, you should know that you will get a lot of clicks, but to repeatedly see the numbers rise in your favor, you need a following of people who will visit your blog on a daily basis. This is something that successful blogs have.

I mentioned above that successful blogs have a lot of traffic to their blog. This is important because without a lot of traffic you're dead in the water. You need a lot of traffic if you want to survive in the internet marketing world - that's just marketing 101. There are a ton of ways to get traffic, but only a few of them are worth your time. If you're a beginner, you should stick with the free ways to get traffic since you probably won't have a lot of money for advertising.

One of the best kinds of free advertising is video marketing. All you do is create 3-5 minute long videos and submit them to the top video sites. Sites such as YouTube, Metacafe, and Google Video are all popular sites and get a lot of traffic to them on a daily basis. You can stand to benefit from the traffic that these sites can deliver to you.

Another way to get traffic is with article marketing. Simply write up 300-500 word articles and submit them to the top article directories. Here are a few of my favorites below:

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All of these sites can deliver a ton of hits to your blog. You will want to write on topics that are related to your blog so that you can get targeted visitors. You get search engine traffic when you write for the article directories, and you also get traffic when website owners publish your article on their website.

Another great way to get free traffic is with forum marketing. Sign up to a forum and post helpful messages on the forums. Reserve your advertising message until your signature line as this is the proper place to put your message - so keep this in mind.

Successful blogs have all of these things in common. If you want a blog that is successful, simply follow the tips in this article.

Millionaire Society is a private society of millionaires who's only goal is to teach you every single thing you must know to build your own online business. Get Complete Details Here Republished with author's permission by Shelton Parker

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Affiliate Marketing 101

Affiliate marketing tips for beginners is first to "Start". If you are looking to join affiliate marketing business, following tips are just like a mile stone in this journey.

You control your actions and only have an effect on those people and things connected to you through relations and activities. The rest of the world and life you cannot control, so take some advice from one of my favorite Philosophers Bill Murray - "It Really Doesn't Matter".

You need to start each day with an empty glass and fill it the best you can, do it, start, become all you can be. Sounds like a commercial for the army. In real world business, it will add good value to your efforts. So here are some tips for beginners in Affiliate Marketing

1.    Find a product or company you believe in to promote.    
2.    Acquire an affiliate link through their affiliate marketing program.
3.    Get a domain name and hosting from a company like Go Daddy.    
4.    Outsource a web/blog site that is controlled by WordPress.    
5.    Sign up with You Tube.    
6.    Learn how to do keyword research.    
7.    Now blast your videos out using You Tube And Traffic Geyser    
8.    Use Traffic geyser to blast out your blog posts to article sites.

Now before you jump in and spend your money on things you may not need, get some help, mentoring. You need a plan of action, and realistic goals. There are some affiliate networks which offer free video training and seminars. These training videos and seminars are very useful for learning the basic and advance skills in affiliate marketing.

Millionaire Society is a private society of millionaires who's only goal is to teach you every single thing you must know to build your own online business. Get Complete Details Here Republished with author's permission by Shelton Parker

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Manage All Your Emails & Business From a Single Dashboard!

Today I want to tell you about a new email solution that I completely fell in love with: ViralinBox! This platform is an all-in-one email, list building and marketing solution, which means that it will not only serve you as an email solution but also as a way to build a list and market your products (or affiliate products).

I can hear you... You already have an email account and access to programs that allow you to build a list and promote and advertise all sorts of products. Well, ViralinBox is very different from what you currently have because it will also help you dramatically increase your work productivity and give you massive, targeted exposure!

Here are a few of the main reasons why you should join ViralinBox:

- You can create a unique email address for each contact you make and list you join

With a single Viralinbox account, you can have multiple email addresses, which is great if you want to manage your personal and business emails from a single place, or have multiple business email addresses on the same email account. You can forget about having to create a new email account every time you need a new email address...

With ViralinBox, you can now create 30, 60, 100 or even an unlimited number from a single account (depending on your membership level)! The best part is... You can create them using nothing else than 'mind control'! When you give someone an email address that doesn't exist, the system automatically creates a new box when an email is sent to that address. With an upgraded account you can even use your own domain name!

- You can permanently stop spam and clean your inbox with the push of a button, even if you don't have an opt-out link!

You can also say 'goodbye' to all the spam you keep receiving and don't seem to be able to stop. ViralinBox allows you to permanently stop spam with the push of a button! With a ViralinBox account, you can create multiple boxes, with a unique email address each, and you can of course close any of them whenever you want.

Every time you make a new contact or join a list, you should create a new email address, and if they start spamming you, you can close the box and you will never receive any more emails from that source! You could also simply unsubscribe from the list but unfortunately too many don't play by the rules in our industry!

- You can get massive, highly targeted exposure with the mailing and advertising tools

ViralinBox also comes with a powerful system mailer that allows you to email up to 120,000 random members every single month! As a Platinum Member, you receive 1,000 mailing credits every day, and as a Diamond Member you receive 2,000 mailing credits every day. There's even a system that makes you earn credits for actions you already perform every day, like clicking on links in an email you read!

There is also an advertising program, and every time you see an ad on a page, you earn advertising credits that you can then use to create your own ads and advertise your products! Simply using the system will be enable to send more emails to random members, show your ads within the members area and much, much more...

- You can build a list and get up to 55% commissions on upgraded referrals

ViralinBox also comes with a list builder that allows you to build a 5 to 8 levels deep downline, and make up to 55% commissions on upgraded referrals. Even as a Free Member you can make some nice commissions and earn a recurring income. Does your current email solution offer you all these features and benefits? ViralinBox does...

In all honesty, I think this email solution is the most advanced email platform for online business owners and marketers. It is actually the one and only platform designed with internet marketers in mind. It will help you increase your productivity by managing ALL your emails from a single dashboard.

Make sure you read the one-time offer at sign up because it gives you a great opportunity to score an upgraded membership (with which you can for example email at least 1,000 random members every days) at an insanely cheap price! If you have any questions about ViralinBox, feel free to leave a comment below!

Click here to join now: