Showing posts with label Adsense. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adsense. Show all posts

Monday, March 18, 2013

2 Surefire Ways To Maximize Your Adsense Earnings

Most webmasters know that Adsense generates a sizeable source of additional advertising income. That is why most of them use it to go after high paying keywords. They have with them the lists that tells what the keywords are and have already used various methods of identifying them. And yet, after putting up these supposed-to-be high paying keywords into their pages, the money they expected to come rolling in is not really coming in.

What is it that they are doing wrong?

Having the pages is with the proper keywords is one thing. But driving visitors to those pages is another matter and often the factor that is lacking.

The thing is, to get visitors to your high paying keyword pages, you need to optimize your site navigation.

Stop for a moment and think about how visitors are using your website. After a visitor has landed on a certain page, they have the tendency to click on another page that sounds interesting. They get there because of the other links that appears on a page that they initially landed on. This is site navigation. It is all about enabling visitors to move about your site. And one way of maximizing your Adsense earnings.

A typical website have menu links on each page. The wording on these links is what grabs a visitor?s attention and gets them to click on one of the links that will take them to another page of that website. Links that have "free" or "download" are oftentimes good attention-grabbers.

This navigation logic can also be applied to driving traffic to your high paying pages. There are some websites that are getting a lot of traffic from search engines, but have low earnings. The trick is to try and use come cleverly labeled links to get the visitors off that pages and navigate them to the higher earning ones. This is one great way of turning real cheap clicks to real dollars.

Before you begin testing if this same style will work for you and you website, you need to have two things. Something to track and compare and some high earning pages you want to funnel your site traffic to. An option is to select a few of your frequently visited pages. This is ensuring fast result to come by.

Now, the next thing to do is think of ways to get visitors viewing a particular page to try and click on the link that will take them to your high earning pages. Come up with a catchy description for that link. Come up with a catchy and unique description for the link. Think of something that people do not get to see everyday. That will trigger their curiosity enough to try and see what that was all about.

You can also use graphics to grab your readers attention. There is no limitation to what you can do to make your link noticeable. If you are after the success of your site, you will do everything it takes just to achieve that goal. Just be creative. As far as many Adsense advertisers are concerned, there are no written and unwritten laws to follow regarding what they write. Just as long as you do not overstep the guidelines of the search engines, then go for it.

Also remember that it is all about location, location and location. Once the perfect attention grabbing description has been achieved, you have to identify the perfect spot on your page to position that descriptive link to your high paying page.

There is nothing wrong with visiting other websites to see how they are going about maximizing their site navigation. "Hot Pages" or "Most Read" lists are very common and overly used already. Get to know the ones that many websites are using and do not try to imitate them.

Another way of doing it is to try and use different texts on different pages. That way you will see the ones that work and what does not. Try to mix things around also. Put links on top and sometimes on the bottom too. This is how you go about testing which ones get more clicks and which ones are being ignored.

Let the testing begin. Testing and tracking until you find the site navigation style that works best for you site.


Friday, June 15, 2012

Where Adsense Should Appear

When deciding whether to incorporate AdSense into your website there are several factors you need to consider. Many feel that it diminishes their brand, while others see it as a useful tool for visitors which creates revenues and makes their content profitable. The choice can largely come down to the commercial goals and the purpose of your website. Many businesses who sell products decide to place AdSense adverts within their website. This would appear to be a strange choice, opening up opportunities for rivals to promote their service or product to your potential customer base.

Many advertisers are adding AdSense because they feel that they can offer related information to their customers. These claims have some merit, as those who for example sell pillows could provide those who sell bedding with an opportunity to advertise. However, there are still some online retailers who allow rivals to penetrate to their audience. Many claim that they still benefits in allowing your direct competitors to advertise within your website. Your visitors will be able to find out your competitors if they use Google search. This may be true however the thought of an established brand like coco-cola having a Pepsi advert in their website is not even a possibility. Another factor which is considered in this situation is that publishers do not feel that it is effective. They feel that visitors who would click on adverts are not highly qualified customers, as they would quickly navigate to other sites eventually.

Despite this, it is surely a good supplementary service for other varieties of online publishers. For example, a website which provides a free service like gets high levels of traffic, and is able to make their service profitable through AdSense. This has been the case for Bloggers who originally provided content free of charge, being unable to reach the scale that is necessary to contract with advertisers directly. This could also apply to other previously free services, including wider forms of information broadcast, and news for example. In 2006 a man who later published a selection of Videos claims to make $19,000 a month through AdSense, claiming that Google contacted him to help him increase the CTR (Click Through Rate) that he achieved.

The thought of success like this has been a major factor in stimulating online publishers to opt for AdSense. Many publishers also claim that it makes their website look more professional. Those who are able to contract with advertisers are generally seen to provide a service with large appeal, and therefore those unfamiliar with the program may feel that the AdSense advertiser are in this position.

AdSense however, is also aligned with those publishers who use the service purely to provide links to adverts. Everyone has done a Google search, clicked on an AdSense advert and came into a website which reads top ten resources on... This is a major problem, as is generally something that surfers find frustrating. If people see that it says adverts by Google, and they then see adverts by Google on another site, they may align that site with consumer unfriendly practices. This is therefore an issue which Google has to address, to maintain as a reputable service. Regardless of the disadvantages and the websites for which the service may be inappropriate it is still a useful tool for website visitors. Those who visit a website, and click on a link provide revenues for the publisher, while those who provide free services are able to generate revenue.

The only thing that is troubling AdSense, is that rival PPC programs offer better deals to publishers and they decide to go choose them instead of Google. However, ultimately it is best for advertisers and publishers if they largely remain in same PPC circuit.