Showing posts with label EVS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EVS. Show all posts

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Make Your Videos Easy Video Suite Review

Make your videos and use your video clips with Easy Video Suite (EVS). Easy Video Suite is the new break thru in video marketing created by Josh Bartlett. If you are trying to find the official site click here....Easy Video Suite(EVS) But stick around to find out what all this hype is really about and why you should use Easy Video Suite to make your videos.

About Easy Video Suites creator Josh Bartlett 

 First, let me tell you a little bit about Josh Bartlett. He is a full time Internet Marketer, Software developer, Business Coach and Writer. He is also the creator of EasyVideoPlayer and EasyVideoPlayer2. These tools have helped change the way internet marketers and businesses make videos today. It has taken him almost 3 yrs. to build the most complete video marketing software, Easy Video Suite.

 Easy Video Suite Features 

 One of the first things that I noticed about Easy Video Suite is that there was a desktop app available. With the desktop app it can now be used on a Mac or Windows PC. When you open up Easy Video Suite you will be given three options; you will be able to make a video with your web cam, some may want to make a screencast video of their computer screen with Easy Video Suite, or you can upload a video directly from your computer with a camcorder or phone. After that the video is available on the Easy Video Suite software and you can either upload it immediately to the internet, or go directly to editing your video. Don’t worry Easy Video Suite converts the video into a web ready videos & mobile ready videos.

  • Easy Video Suite Mobile App                                                      

  • Easy video Suite Playlist & Chapters 

  • Easy Video Suite Split Testing 

Easy Video Suite offers Live Stats 

We all know that tracking and split testing statistics are the most important and most time consuming task for an internet marketer. When most of the time we put off tracking stats until tomorrow. Not with Easy Video Suite real time stats. That means you can see what is working right now. You can watch people tweet about your videos, comment, and leave your video.

 Not Only does Easy video Player Suite (EVS) have live stats but it also informs you of what you need to do to make videos that convert. You can watch a potential customer from beginning to end and then Easy Video Suite will tell you when the customer left what needs to be fixed and where. Now how many different programs do you have to use to get half of what Easy video Suite (EVS) has to offer?

That's just touching on some of the things Easy Video Suite (EVS) has to offer. What all this ultimately means for you is that marketing your business with videos is going to be much, much easier. So that you'll make more money while having more time to do what you love.