Showing posts with label affiliate marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label affiliate marketing. Show all posts

Friday, May 24, 2013

Secrets Of A Successful Blog

Do you know the characteristics of successful blogs? Successful blogs that make a lot of money have a lot of readers so if you want to have success with your blog, focus on getting lots of readers. There are many ways to go about getting readers, but you should know that only about a handful of them work to get you the readers that you desire.                              

If you didn't already know, you need a blog so that you can propel your business to the next level. I think it's plain to see that having a blog can do a lot for your business growth. In the internet marketing world, there's an old saying that says "the money is in the list", so if you want to earn money with your blog, focus on building a list.

Popular blogs have a readership level in the thousands. It could take some time to build this up from scratch or you can pay for advertising and set up a capture page to get users to subscribe to your blog. I personally feel that the first option of building a list from scratch is better. With this you are using free advertising. For one these people know you and like you and have grown to listen to your advice. If you think that you can't build a successful blog from scratch, then think again.

Internet marketing in general is hard, and building a successful blog is even harder. Popular blogs get a lot of traffic on a daily basis but you shouldn't let this discourage you if you're not getting a lot of traffic yet. You want to build successful blogs so that you can be perceived as an obvious expert in your niche. With credibility behind you, it will be easier for you to sell your products and services.

It doesn't matter what you use to monetize your blog - you need a lot of subscribers to make it successful. If you have Google AdSense on your blog, you should know that you will get a lot of clicks, but to repeatedly see the numbers rise in your favor, you need a following of people who will visit your blog on a daily basis. This is something that successful blogs have.

I mentioned above that successful blogs have a lot of traffic to their blog. This is important because without a lot of traffic you're dead in the water. You need a lot of traffic if you want to survive in the internet marketing world - that's just marketing 101. There are a ton of ways to get traffic, but only a few of them are worth your time. If you're a beginner, you should stick with the free ways to get traffic since you probably won't have a lot of money for advertising.

One of the best kinds of free advertising is video marketing. All you do is create 3-5 minute long videos and submit them to the top video sites. Sites such as YouTube, Metacafe, and Google Video are all popular sites and get a lot of traffic to them on a daily basis. You can stand to benefit from the traffic that these sites can deliver to you.

Another way to get traffic is with article marketing. Simply write up 300-500 word articles and submit them to the top article directories. Here are a few of my favorites below:

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All of these sites can deliver a ton of hits to your blog. You will want to write on topics that are related to your blog so that you can get targeted visitors. You get search engine traffic when you write for the article directories, and you also get traffic when website owners publish your article on their website.

Another great way to get free traffic is with forum marketing. Sign up to a forum and post helpful messages on the forums. Reserve your advertising message until your signature line as this is the proper place to put your message - so keep this in mind.

Successful blogs have all of these things in common. If you want a blog that is successful, simply follow the tips in this article.

Millionaire Society is a private society of millionaires who's only goal is to teach you every single thing you must know to build your own online business. Get Complete Details Here Republished with author's permission by Shelton Parker

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Affiliate Marketing 101

Affiliate marketing tips for beginners is first to "Start". If you are looking to join affiliate marketing business, following tips are just like a mile stone in this journey.

You control your actions and only have an effect on those people and things connected to you through relations and activities. The rest of the world and life you cannot control, so take some advice from one of my favorite Philosophers Bill Murray - "It Really Doesn't Matter".

You need to start each day with an empty glass and fill it the best you can, do it, start, become all you can be. Sounds like a commercial for the army. In real world business, it will add good value to your efforts. So here are some tips for beginners in Affiliate Marketing

1.    Find a product or company you believe in to promote.    
2.    Acquire an affiliate link through their affiliate marketing program.
3.    Get a domain name and hosting from a company like Go Daddy.    
4.    Outsource a web/blog site that is controlled by WordPress.    
5.    Sign up with You Tube.    
6.    Learn how to do keyword research.    
7.    Now blast your videos out using You Tube And Traffic Geyser    
8.    Use Traffic geyser to blast out your blog posts to article sites.

Now before you jump in and spend your money on things you may not need, get some help, mentoring. You need a plan of action, and realistic goals. There are some affiliate networks which offer free video training and seminars. These training videos and seminars are very useful for learning the basic and advance skills in affiliate marketing.

Millionaire Society is a private society of millionaires who's only goal is to teach you every single thing you must know to build your own online business. Get Complete Details Here Republished with author's permission by Shelton Parker

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Affiliate Search Engine No Holds Barred Approach To Making Money Online

As you might have guessed, affiliate search engine marketing has become one of the quickest ways to make a fast buck online. In fact, many business owners have jumped on the affiliate marketing bandwagon as a way to promote their companies. 

On the other hand, affiliate search engine marketing is a surefire way for anyone to begin a home-based business.  You see affiliate marketing is the best of both worlds. 

Don't worry, if this is the first time you've heard of this unique type of marketing you are not alone. But more on that later. You may not know this but search engine marketing has taken the world by storm. 

Listen to me carefully now. Many people are using this technique successfully. But many others treat affiliate marketing like looking for a needle in a haystack. 

Bear with me as tell you how to get started.

Here goes?

For starters, you?ll be glad to know that affiliate search engine marketing is easy to understand. Quite simply, as an affiliate marketer you will be promoting websites and rewarded for sending visitors or customers to the site. 

Understand this: compensation varies depending on the type of program you choose to promote. For instance, some websites will pay for every visitor you send to their site. However, other sites pay you a percentage of the sale of a product or service

If you think that?s nothing, think again.  One sale could net you a profit of $50 or more. It?s true; some products are priced lower than that. But the beauty of affiliate programs is the fact that you get to choose which products you promote. 

Honestly, you can choose to only promote programs that pay no less than $20. It?s all up to you. 

Here?s something else. If you need a way to promote you home based business, affiliate marketing could be the diamond in the rough you?ve been looking for. 

In this case you recruit affiliates to promote your site for you. And get this: you don?t have to pay them unless they meet certain criteria. For example you could pay them based on the action the customer performs such as filling out a form, or per sale. 

What this all boils down to is that you can get your site promoted for you with will little effort of your own.  Look, I'm not kidding around. The majority of business owners choose a pay per sale program.

Here is the reason why they never have to pay out a dime unless the affiliate makes a sale. It's a win-win situation for both.

And best of all, you can make a full time income promoting other companies products and services.  Just let this sink in for minute - affiliate search engine marketing may be one the best ways to become financially secure. But don?t take my word for it. Try it for yourself.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

How To Do Article Marketing Like A Pro

There have been many online marketers that have tried article marketing and failed. This form of marketing is timeless, and while many have failed at it there have been some who have found great success with article marketing. Let's face it, the Internet is made up of content and if you can contribute to it with your high quality articles, you'll be able to get huge returns on your investment of time and money.

If you want your articles to rank well in the search engines, then you have to give them some additional juice once you have uploaded them to directories or on your site. Well, there are social bookmarking sites and the usual Facebook posting and Twitter tweeting and re-tweeting you can use. If you have friends at social bookmarking sites, then you can let them know about it and get some help there. The point here is to give your article an extra edge over the competition by promoting your articles wherever you can. Keep that strategy in mind because it can serve you well if you take the initiative to make it happen. As you know, it is not enough to merely submit your articles to the directories.

You would be making a great mistake, conversion killing kind, if you include more than one topic in any article. Writing on multiple topics will scatter your article all over half the countryside. There are many things that are important with article writing, and focused content writing is one of them. Your article will not have clarity or a clearly defined purpose when you include more than one central topical theme. If you do that with your articles, one topic per article, then you will obviously have better results. One easy example would be an article about sunless tanning products that also talks significantly about coloring your hair. We feel that some people may lose their way, so to speak, and get off into a tangent as their mind wanders while they are writing.

You simply must write your articles so they are centered around one particular topic of the article. Don't talk about multiple things in one article. People make all kinds of mistakes in their article writing, and lack of focus is one of them; so be sure you avoid it. The reason for this is, you want your readers to concentrate on what you're talking about without getting distracted. If you do that with your articles, one topic per article, then you will obviously have better results. For example, if your article is about & quote; Yoga training to lose belly fat, that's exactly what you write about, don't move to other topics like & quote; Yoga training to build muscle. You can have related topics within an article, but the minor topic must be minimized completely. Article marketing is still going quite strong, and to be honest we believe it will always be that way. The tips that we discussed in this article aren’t complicated or difficult to apply. Article marketing is the foundation upon which rests your entire traffic source, possibly.

You need to take action every single day. You cannot allow yourself to think in terms of immediate success, and it will take time but it is time well spent. For example, if you plan to write 5 articles every day and submit them to directories then make sure you do that. Article marketing is a vital key to your success whether it is for an affiliate program or an eCommerce site.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

All About Back-End Selling And Affiliate Marketing

All people involved in the program get some benefits in affiliate marketing. Each time that the affiliate refers a visitor to the website of the merchant, they have a chance to earn income. On the other side, even without spending a lot of funds for advertising and promotion, the merchant still produces sales. For both sides, the goal, of course, is to attain as much earnings as possible.

The practice of back-end selling in their business activities is what the affiliate and the merchant should consider including since the goal is to earn more income. This type of selling is great support for affiliate marketing.

The selling being conducted after the initial sale is what back-end selling is. That is, when a visitor becomes a paying customer for one product, another product can be advertised and sold to the same customer. This second product is called the back-end product. There is already an element of trust planted in between since the customer is already acquainted with the merchant or affiliate. Unlike the initial sale, selling the back-end product may be easier.

Because of back-end selling, the sales of both the online businesses and the land-bound companies can be increased. The major reason, as mentioned earlier, is the established trust between the merchant or the affiliate and the customer. The customer will logically assume that the online company is offering quality products if he is satisfied with the first product that he bought. A satisfied customer can be easily turned into a "repeat customer".

The usual technique in back end -selling is to make the customer aware of another product; this second product can cater to the other needs of the customer. The satisfied customer will then certainly look into it and may decide to purchase it when he becomes aware of the second or back-end product. Another back-end product is what the merchant or affiliate may offer after such a sale.

Back-end selling had been proven to be powerful in augmenting the income many traditional and land-bound companies. Because of this marketing practice, there are hundreds of online companies that have flourished and expanded. This would mean that it can be a marketing practice that can work well with affiliate marketing.

Attracting new customers and leading to the first sale is what affiliate marketing can do back-end selling can build loyalty among customers. In other words, one major ingredient in creating that winning formula in affiliate marketing would be back-end selling.

When coupled with affiliate marketing, every affiliate should look into the financial promise of back-end selling. The affiliate can then earn amazing income thanks to these two.

Different Affiliate Marketing

There are different types of affiliate marketing, and the number of types will depend on how one will classify them. The most basic affiliate marketing programs, however, falls under two categories: pay-per-click (PPC), and pay-per-performance (PPP).

Pay Per Click (PPC)

PPC is the most popular type of affiliate marketing for affiliates because it great for small websites to earn money. In this affiliate marketing type, the merchant pays his affiliate whenever a visitor is referred to his site that is whenever someone clicks through the merchant\'s banner or text ads. The affiliate gets paid a certain amount even if the visitor he referred does not purchase anything from the merchant in the end. However, typical fees for PPC affiliate programs are small, usually not exceeding a dollar for every click.

Pay Per Performance (PPP)

PPP affiliate marketing is the most popular among merchant. It is also the most lucrative type of affiliate program for the affiliates. With this affiliate program, the merchant only pays the affiliate whenever his referral translates into an action-that is whenever the visitor he has referred actually buys something from the merchant\'s site or when the visitor becomes a lead. This means a lot of savings for the merchant. It becomes the most lucrative type for the dedicated affiliate, for commissions in PPP affiliate marketing usually comes in the range of 15% to 20% of the actual product sales.

Pay-per-performance affiliate marketing can be further classified into two types: pay-per-sales (PPS) and pay-per-lead (PPL).

Pay Per Sale (PPS)

In this type of affiliate marketing, the merchants pay the affiliate a certain fee whenever the visitor he has referred buys something from the merchant\'s site. Affiliates are often paid on commission basis, although other merchants would opt to pay a fixed fee. But no matter what the basis of the fee is, it is generally higher if you compare it with pay-per-click affiliate program.

Pay Per Lead (PPL)

The pay-per-lead type of affiliate marketing is a slight variation of the PPS type and is often used by insurance and finance companies and other companies who rely on leads for their company in order to grow. In this type of affiliate marketing, the affiliate is paid whenever the visitor he referred to the merchant\'s site fills up an application form or any similar form related to the business of the company. Compensation for this type of affiliate marketing is based on a fixed fee.

Aside from these three specific types of affiliate marketing, a lot of other affiliate marketing types exist. If the classification is based on the depth of the affiliate network, it can be classified as single-tier, two-tier, and multi-tier affiliate marketing. There is also another type of affiliate marketing that pays the affiliate each time the customer he has referred purchases something from the merchant\'s site.

Single-Tier, Two-Tier, and Multi-Tier Affiliate Marketing

These types of affiliate marketing are based on the different levels or tiers in the affiliate network by which payments are made. In a single-tier affiliate marketing program, the affiliates are only paid based on the direct sales or traffic he has referred to the merchant. All the previously mentioned affiliate marketing types fall under the single-tier classification.

In two-tier affiliate marketing programs, the affiliate is not only paid for the direct traffic or sales that he refers to the merchant\'s site, but also on every traffic or sales referred by various other affiliates who joined the affiliate program through his recommendation. Multi-tier affiliate marketing works the same way. The difference is that the affiliate gets additional commission for a wider number of affiliates in different tiers in the affiliate network.

Residual Income Affiliate Marketing

In residual income affiliate marketing, the affiliate gets paid not only once for every customer he has referred to the merchant\'s site. Rather, the affiliate is also paid whenever the customer he has referred returns to the site and purchases another product or pays a membership fee for certain subscriptions. Compensation for such type of affiliate marketing is based on either sales percentage commission or fixed fee basis set by the merchant.

The different affiliate marketing types would virtually work differently for merchants and affiliates alike, and each would generally have their own list of benefits. Which type of affiliate marketing will work best for you? It is not really for me to tell but for you to figure it out on your own.