Showing posts with label video marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label video marketing. Show all posts

Friday, May 24, 2013

Secrets Of A Successful Blog

Do you know the characteristics of successful blogs? Successful blogs that make a lot of money have a lot of readers so if you want to have success with your blog, focus on getting lots of readers. There are many ways to go about getting readers, but you should know that only about a handful of them work to get you the readers that you desire.                              

If you didn't already know, you need a blog so that you can propel your business to the next level. I think it's plain to see that having a blog can do a lot for your business growth. In the internet marketing world, there's an old saying that says "the money is in the list", so if you want to earn money with your blog, focus on building a list.

Popular blogs have a readership level in the thousands. It could take some time to build this up from scratch or you can pay for advertising and set up a capture page to get users to subscribe to your blog. I personally feel that the first option of building a list from scratch is better. With this you are using free advertising. For one these people know you and like you and have grown to listen to your advice. If you think that you can't build a successful blog from scratch, then think again.

Internet marketing in general is hard, and building a successful blog is even harder. Popular blogs get a lot of traffic on a daily basis but you shouldn't let this discourage you if you're not getting a lot of traffic yet. You want to build successful blogs so that you can be perceived as an obvious expert in your niche. With credibility behind you, it will be easier for you to sell your products and services.

It doesn't matter what you use to monetize your blog - you need a lot of subscribers to make it successful. If you have Google AdSense on your blog, you should know that you will get a lot of clicks, but to repeatedly see the numbers rise in your favor, you need a following of people who will visit your blog on a daily basis. This is something that successful blogs have.

I mentioned above that successful blogs have a lot of traffic to their blog. This is important because without a lot of traffic you're dead in the water. You need a lot of traffic if you want to survive in the internet marketing world - that's just marketing 101. There are a ton of ways to get traffic, but only a few of them are worth your time. If you're a beginner, you should stick with the free ways to get traffic since you probably won't have a lot of money for advertising.

One of the best kinds of free advertising is video marketing. All you do is create 3-5 minute long videos and submit them to the top video sites. Sites such as YouTube, Metacafe, and Google Video are all popular sites and get a lot of traffic to them on a daily basis. You can stand to benefit from the traffic that these sites can deliver to you.

Another way to get traffic is with article marketing. Simply write up 300-500 word articles and submit them to the top article directories. Here are a few of my favorites below:

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All of these sites can deliver a ton of hits to your blog. You will want to write on topics that are related to your blog so that you can get targeted visitors. You get search engine traffic when you write for the article directories, and you also get traffic when website owners publish your article on their website.

Another great way to get free traffic is with forum marketing. Sign up to a forum and post helpful messages on the forums. Reserve your advertising message until your signature line as this is the proper place to put your message - so keep this in mind.

Successful blogs have all of these things in common. If you want a blog that is successful, simply follow the tips in this article.

Millionaire Society is a private society of millionaires who's only goal is to teach you every single thing you must know to build your own online business. Get Complete Details Here Republished with author's permission by Shelton Parker

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Helpful Hints About Video Marketing Need To Know

Video marketing is a highly effective tool that all smart business owners are utilizing to dramatically increase sales and boost profits. In order for video marketing to work it must be properly implemented. This article is chock full of several video marketing tips that will help to improve your business.

When it comes to video marketing, your job isn't done when the camera stops rolling. You need to help your video get noticed by using SEO to make it easier for search engines to give you higher rankings. Include things like relevant key words in your title to increase the visibility of your video.

Use the different tools available to track how your video is doing. You can tell how many views your video is getting and where the traffic is coming from. This will let you know if certain marketing outlets are seemingly ineffective and which ones are driving the most traffic to your site.

If you are posting videos on a regular schedule, you have to stick to it. Over time, people will begin to anticipate videos from you and your company. The same way people follow television programs, they expect your videos to be released at a specific time and on a specific day. Let them know if there will not be an update or new video coming.

Content is king on a website, in a magazine or in an online video. What you put out to the world not only tells them who you are but also what you're about. If you want them to become clients or customers, you have to give them what they're looking for in a fun format.

If you plan to begin a video marketing campaign, put some time into designing a YouTube channel for your business. This will make your videos easy to find, and if a viewer enjoys the first video, they will have multiple others right at their fingertips. This organized, clustered way of presenting your videos will help to draw more viewers, and thus more customers.

Use questions to start a conversation. For example, show how you use the product you're selling in your own life and then ask viewers to leave comments about how they use it. You may find some innovative ideas for your product which you can then show to everyone in future videos.

Think about including a jingle in your marketing video. The point of a jingle is to get into your viewer's head. If you create a short song that is catchy you have the ability to cause people to sing about your product or service throughout the day, which then leads to increased sales.

When it comes to video marketing, transparency and authenticity are you two best friends. No one is interested in a video where people are just reading off scripts. Try and give your videos a natural voice so that your audience can see how sincere you are about whatever it is you're promoting.

As was stated earlier in the opening of this article, video marketing is one of the most effective marketing tools available to improve your business. By carefully applying everything that you have learned from this article, you can dramatically improve your business and see a startling increase in profits. Take action and start video marketing today!